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Emission Recalls Issue Date Description
U7D830901 09/83 1980 - Modification to vacuum control valve activating
General Recalls Issue Date Description
0782021983 02/83 1980 - Service recall and owner notification program
Service Bulletins Issue Date Description
97511 03/97 Transmission fluid usage charts
96156 07/96 A/C system service TSB list
96155 07/96 Filtering refrigerant after replacing A/C compressor
95182 09/95 Recycled engine coolant service tips
951610 08/95 New rotunda fluid changer service tips
93206 09/93 A/C use of correct fluorescent tracer dye
ATRATB078 09/91 How to use a pressure gauge, automatic transmission
ATRATB028 10/90 Engine testing with a vacuum gauge, auto transmission
ATRATB9002006 02/90 Automatic transmission fluid
9015 01/90 Duraspark II ignition, revised applications
ATRATB8930 10/89 Automatic transmission math part 2
89195 10/89 Wire harness terminal and connector service kit
ATRATB8927 10/89 20 steps to successful auto transmission repair
ATRATB8923 08/89 Automatic transmission math formulas
89133 06/89 Cosmetic damage from airborne materials
8912289614 06/89 Adhesives and sealants usage
TECGLOS 06/89 Technician's glossary, emissions
TECGLOS 05/89 Technician's glossary, electrical/electronic and fuel
8927 01/89 Speedometer/Odometer readings
88252 12/88 Safety belt tongue cover now available
88153 07/88 Safety belts service procedure manuals revised
88133 06/88 Protection from static electricity
ATRASIL889 02/88 Forward drum oil rings, inspection
872413 12/87 Rotunda tools list by section and kit
8724A1 11/87 A/C odor service procedure
87239 11/87 Rotunda gas-cheek kit requires modification
ATRATB8764 11/87 Sensitive 3-2 downshift, part throttle
ATRATB8754 09/87 All automatics, front bushing wear
ATRATB8748 08/87 Metal sealing rings, automatic transmission
87153 07/87 Number charts for wire circuit number and color codes
87519CLONE 03/87 Labor time standards, use of oil leak diagnosis
ATRATB8658 11/86 Slipping and/or no 3rd gear after overhaul
8699 05/86 Wheels, aluminum, damage due to corrosion
8639 02/86 Installation of anti-theft devices
86314CLONE 02/86 Crankshaft seal leaks, air pressure test
ATRATB8543 01/85 Recurrent sticking valves, automatic transmission
84207S 10/84 Driveability problems, vacuum hose
84219 10/84 Wiper/washer low fluid warning light stays on
84184 08/84 Seats, front seat back frame, unauthorized service
841512 07/84 Injector o-rings, ordering parts, all CFI & EFI
84117 05/84 EEC systems, symptomized comprehensive tech svc
84615 03/84 Aid to bolt removal for differential shaft
8435 01/84 Alternator, rectifier bench test procedure
8433 01/84 Paint, cosmetic surface service procedures
831913 09/83 Performance unsatisfactory, all model 2700-7200 VV
83136 06/83 Seals for rocker cover, oil pan and crankshaft
83134 06/83 Welding procedures for high strength steels
831015 05/83 Ignition distributor, centrifugal advance not adjustable
83106 05/83 Steering, power, pump, Ford, rotor and C clip change
8367 03/83 Power steering pump rotor and C clip changes
8339 02/83 Distributor, rotor registry, check and set procedure
8211A1 06/82 High altitude adjustments
8257 03/82 Diagnostic procedure for intermittent vehicle operation
812512 12/81 EEC distributor clamp replacement
812316 11/81 Engine surging/missing with A/C on
811516 07/81 2700/7200 operation/diagnostic information
81910 05/81 Engine stalls/stumbles, poor performance
801223 06/80 2700/7200 carburetor service manual revisions
80129 06/80 Carburetor model 2150 adjustment limiting features
801211 06/80 Cold engine driveaway hesitation
801210 06/80 Revised propane enrichment procedure
8096 05/80 Camshaft, rough engine idle diagnosis
80718 04/80 Engine misfires or intermittent engine operation
3809S 04/80 Noise coming from new air pumps
803A 02/80 Performance specifications
80312 02/80 New vacuum advance diaphragm improves cold driveability
80310 02/80 Engine detonation without EEC
133A1829 05/77 Engine emission control system revision

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